Early representations of gender identity and diversity in American superhero comics
visual-verbal representations of gender diversity, comics and gender representations, reading mediation, reader trainingAbstract
Reader formation is a preponderant theme in Librarianship studies and, more recently, appropriated by Information Science. However, these studies refer more to accessibility, presentation, mediation and formation of the reader profile, based on literary production already established by the academy or successfully disseminated by the cultural industry. Under the theme of gender studies, this research aims to establish an overview of recent changes in the representation of characters with gender diversity, that is, belonging to the LGBTQIAPN community. Considering the existence of discreet research on the representation of information with these social segments in the field of Information Science, it will resort in an interdisciplinary way to the theoretical contributions of the Theory of Information, articulated to the Theory of Social Representations (TRS), by Moscovici and Todorov's Narratology. It is a bibliographical and documentary research, with a descriptive methodology and a qualitative approach, preceded by research and experiences in continuous flow of the authors. As main findings, it was verified that there were two phases of representation of characters with gender diversity, the first started in the 1940s and the second started in 1980. It is concluded that social mishaps and public policies have not prevented the LGBTQIAPN+ Community has its representation in the identity and in the social imaginary. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the commercial appeal, which can use such representations as a marketing strategy, without contributing to the necessary dialogue and social interlocution
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