O fluxo da informação na criação de um microlearning sobre economia


  • Felipe Lopes Roberto Universidade Federal do Paraná




Information management., Information Architecture., Informational Product., Information Flow.


Introduction: The area of ​​education is important for a Circular Economy, as the transition to circular models requires individuals and organizations that learn to innovate and put into practice what they have learned in the real world. This area, from elementary school to graduate school, plays a vital role in ensuring that students of all ages are equipped with the key skills and knowledge to execute circular thinking in their careers. Objective: Map the information flow stages present in the MOOC production process on Circular Economy. Methodology: This research is characterized as exploratory in terms of its objectives and analyzes the flow of information in the process of creating an informational product with regard to procedures. Results: This research showed that an activity of an interdisciplinary nature, such as Information Management - which evolves over time, mainly due to technological innovations - contributed to mapping the stages of needs, obtaining, treatment, distribution, use, storage and disposal of information from the information flow within the process of developing an information product – in this case, the IEC MOOC. Conclusion: Associated with the concepts of information architecture, information design and information ergonomics, GI helped in the structuring, organization and presentation of educational information, optimizing the transmission of knowledge and user experience.


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