Análise de rede sociais de autores e instituições participantes nos anais do WIDAT 2017 a 2023 por coautoria e palavras-chave


  • Henrique Monteiro Cristovão Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Lucas dos Santos do Vale Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



visualização de informação, análise de redes, projeção bipartida, clusterização


The Information, Data and Technology Workshop (WIDaT), with its six editions from 2017 to 2023, published 210 articles in the proceedings with the participation of 395 authors linked to 80 institutions based in 46 cities and 7 countries. The objective of the research is to reveal affinity groups between authors and institutions participating in WIDaT. Qualitative research of an applied nature, used information visualization techniques with the support of social network analysis methods supported by software, such as: OpenRefine, Gephi and Looker Studio. The main result was the analysis of social networks of authors and institutions participating in the six events. The network of authors by co-authorship showed a giant component composed of the majority of authors, while the network of authors by keywords amplified the density of connections, making it a 'small world'. The network of co-authorship institutions revealed strong collaboration between institutions. The network of institutions using keywords identified seven clusters, complemented by keyword clouds, which revealed a semantic cohesion of the topics covered by the institutions belonging to each cluster. Observing the most common keywords for a given cluster can motivate approaches to research collaboration, both for those already consolidated and to strengthen the development of new investigations and studies.


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