Open governmental data modeling for mapping similar school networks in the Microregion of Salvador - Bahia
dados abertos governamentais, governança educacional, visualização da informação; análise de redes complexas, análise de redes complexas, rede municipal de ensino – Salvador/BahiaAbstract
Introduction: The aim of this study is to represent similar schools located in the urban locality of the Microregion of Salvador - Bahia, to identify possible paths for collaboration among them, using the Technical Note "Profile of Similar Schools" 2014 from INEP as a basis. Methodology: Social network analysis and modeling from open governmental data were employed to investigate the interconnection between schools, considering their similar characteristics and educational indicators. Results: The open data includes information on school performance and socioeconomic levels, processed and analyzed through algorithms and the development of specific software. The study resulted in the web visualization of a multidimensional network, with several possibilities for analysis, showing that, out of the 408 schools, each one establishes connections with at least 70 other schools on average. Conclusion: This interconnection suggests the trend of schools to share similar features, offering potential to promote collaboration and sharing of resources and successful educational practices, contributing to better governance in education in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Eneida Santana de Ávila Goulart, Tereza Kelly Gomes Carneiro, Roberto Luiz Souza Monteiro, Bruna Bomfim Lessa dos Santos

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