Industrial Secret Transfer via Smart Contracts: Addressing Arrow's Information Paradox


  • Erik Schüler Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Felipe Octaviano Delgado Busnello
  • Anderson Ricardo Yanzer Cabra



industrial secret, Arrow's Information Paradox, smart contract, blockchain, technology transfer, patents, technological information


In the current state of the art, systems exist for the transfer of intangible assets protected by Intellectual Property, consolidated through legal monopolies, either by attributive systems (such as patents and industrial designs) or automatically protected (such as copyrights and related rights). Some of these systems, or their respective methods, are described in scientific literature. Among these, some methods use blockchain technology, and a smaller subset (entirely contained within the former) also uses smart contract technology, though these are independent tools. Although industrial secrets also constitute monopolies, the computerized or cryptographic solutions applied to other types of assets protected by different forms of intellectual property cannot be applied to these assets due to their sui generis nature, lacking a monopoly that exists independently of their non-disclosure. The need to maintain secrecy arises from Arrow's Information Paradox, a phenomenon in which revealing the secret implies its transfer. This phenomenon hinders the potential transfer of industrial secrets and makes it impossible to adopt existing systems applicable to other types of intangible assets. The research employed a mixed methodology. This paper presents a method for transferring industrial secrets using smart contracts instantiated on blockchain to solve two of the three elements of the Paradox, specifically reliability and capacity, assuming the third, relevance.


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