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Author Guidelines

Main Submission Guidelines

The primary authorship (first authors) of manuscripts submitted to the sections Articles and Book Reviews of Liinc em Revista should hold a Doctoral degree. Exceptionally, submissions from Masters degrees holders shall be accepted, preferably in coauthorship with a doctor. As for the remaining article types (interviews, experience reports, opinions), manuscripts submitted by authors with a degree other than Doctorate are accepted.

Liinc em Revista does not accept submissions of manuscripts that are being evaluated for publication by other journals.

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Languages Accepted

Liinc em Revista accepts submissions of manuscripts written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

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Section Policies


Elaborated by the Editors of Liinc em Revista, emphasizing the relevance of specific dossiers regarding Liinc em Revista’s focus and scope.


Elaborated by the organizers of specific dossiers, presenting a panorama of topics being addressed by each article of the dossier.

Research Articles

Articles reporting original findings resulting from theoretical or empirical research, regarding the topics related to the focus and scope of Liinc em Revista. Articles may also be oriented to the topics proposed for specific dossiers. Manuscripts submitted to this section should not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces. Articles in this section are peer-reviewed and indexed.

Experience Reports

Reportings of practical experiences from institutional organizations, groups of individuals or other types of collectives, presenting an innovative character related to the journal’s focus and scope. Manuscripts submitted to this section should not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces. Articles in this section are peer-reviewed and indexed.

Opinion Articles

Elaborated by invitation coming from members of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts submitted to this section should not exceed 15,000 characters with spaces. Articles in this section are peer-reviewed and indexed.


Elaborated by invitation coming from members of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts submitted to this section should not exceed 15,000 characters with spaces.

Book Reviews

In-depth reviews of books or similar works, highlighting their main contributions to research on the topics of a specific dossier. Manuscripts submitted to this section should not exceed 15,000 characters with spaces. Articles in this section are peer-reviewed and indexed.


Elaborated by Journal’s Editors, acknowledging the referees who contributed to a specific issue or dossier.

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Articles Structure and Formatting

Title Page

For each type of manuscript submitted to Liinc em Revista, authors should prepare a title page containing authors’ information as listed below. During the submission process, the title page should be submitted as a supplemental document. Every information and authors’ metadata presented on the title page should also be added to Open Journal Systems during the submission process.

Title: article title presented in portuguese and english OR in english and portugues OR in spanish and english, according to the manuscript's language.

Authors: list all authors’ full names without abbreviations.

Affiliations: inform the affiliations of each author, with up to three hierarchical levels, from smallest to largest, without abbreviations, including the cities and countries where the institutions are located. E.g.:

Coordenação de Ensino e Pesquisa, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Please use the official languages of the countries where the institutions are located to designate their titles/names. For authors with no affiliations, please designate a professional activity.

Academic degrees: please inform the academic degrees of each author.

ORCID: all authors’ ORCID should be presented. To sign up for an ORCID, please visit

Corresponding author: please designate a corresponding author, informing their email address and, optionally, instituition's Street address, zip code City, Country.

Please use one of the title page templates availabe in English, Brazilian Portuguese, or Spanish.

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Front Matter

Title: article title presented in portuguese and english OR in english and portugues OR in spanish and english, according to the manuscript's language.

Abstracts: should be informative, with at least 100 and up to 250 words, resented in portuguese and english OR in english and portugues OR in spanish and english, according to the manuscript's language. It should present an overview of the manuscript contents, emphasizing elements such as introduction, methods, results and discussion, and conclusions.

Keywords: present from 3 up to 5 keywords immediately after each abstract, in the respective languages. Keywords should be representative of the manuscript contents. Please do not include abbreviations. Acronyms, if necessary, should be placed between parenthesis.

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The manuscript body should emphasize the following elements: research problem, research objectives, related works and literature, results, and conclusions.

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Figures, charts, tables and other types of illustrations, whenever possible, should be presented in an editable or vector format, that is, in the same format of the program in which they were created/edited. As for photographs or digitalized images, those should be presented with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. The source of each illustration would be presented below it on the manuscript text.

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Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign words and phrases should be italicized. Proper names and places in foreign languages should not be italicized.

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If available, should be presented as footnotes and numbered with Arabic numerals.

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If available, acknowledgments should be presented in a specific section, after Conclusions. Acknowledgements should be succinct, referring to people or institutions.

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Section for the designation of the study’s funding sources. Should be presented after the Acknowledgments section, listing each funding institution's names, without abbreviations, and, if available, the funding/grant number.

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Data and Code Sharing

Liinc em Revista recommends depositing data sets and code supporting the analyses and results described on submitted works. These elements should be deposited/published in accordance with the FAIR Principles, preferably, in dedicated institutional or generic open data/code repositories, such as Zenodo, GitHub, and Bitbucket. Further information on research data repositories is available on the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data).

Data and code deposits should be cited in a dedicated section of the submitted manuscript, titled “Data availability”, and described as follows:

“The entire data set/ software supporting the results and the analyses of this study was made available in [repository name] and can be accessed in [URL or unique identifier].”

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Citations and Reference List

Citations and references should be formatted according to ISO 690:2010 author-date style. Liinc em Revista recommends the use of reference management software, such as Zotero, combined with Citation Style Languages for 690:2010, in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Some examples of formatting for the most common types of sources are available below.

Book and book section

In-text Citations: (Bernal 1939; Santos 2004; Bourdieu 1983; Guédon 2010)

Reference list:

BERNAL, John Desmond, 1939. Social function of Science [online]. London, England: Lowe and Brydone. [Accessed 4 May 2019]. Available from:

BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1983. O campo científico. Em: Bourdieu: sociologia. São Paulo, SP: Ática. p. 122–155.

GUÉDON, Jean-Claude, 2010. Acesso aberto e divisão entre ciência predominante e ciência periférica. In: Acessibilidade e visibilidade de revistas científicas eletrônicas. São Paulo, SP: Cengage Learning; Senac. p. 21–78.

SANTOS, Mílton, 2004. Por otra globalización: del pensamiento único a la conciencia universal. Bogotá, Colômbia: Convenio Andrés Bello.


(González de Gómez 2013; Hess 2008)

GONZÁLEZ DE GÓMEZ, Maria Nélida, 2013. Sobre normas e algoritmos: os critérios de validade da ciência e da informação. In: Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação [online]. Florianópolis, SC: Ancib; UFSC. 2013. [Accessed 1 November 2015]. 16. Available from:

HESS, Charlotte, 2008. Mapping the new commons. In: Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons [online]. Cheltenham, UK: SSRN. 2008. p. 14–18. [Accessed 26 June 2017]. Available from:

Journal article

(Alperin, Fischman, Willinsky 2008; Moura 2009; Pombo 2006; Silveira, Savazoni 2018; Vessuri, Guédon, Cetto 2014)

ALPERIN, Juan Pablo, FISCHMAN, Gustavo and WILLINSKY, John, 2008. Open access and scholarly publishing in Latin America: ten flavours and a few reflections. Liinc em Revista [online]. 2008. Vol. 4, no. 2, p. 172–185. [Accessed 8 March 2017]. DOI 10.18617/liinc.v4i2.269. Available from:

MOURA, Maria Aparecida, 2009. Informação e conhecimento em redes virtuais de cooperação científica: necessidades, ferramentas e usos. DataGramaZero: Revista de Ciência da Informação [online]. 2009. Vol. 10, no. 2. [Accessed 8 June 2020]. Available from:

POMBO, Olga, 2006. Interdisciplinaridade e integração dos saberes. Liinc em Revista [online]. 10 October 2006. Vol. 1, no. 2. [Accessed 8 June 2020]. DOI 10.18617/liinc.v1i1.186. Available from:

SILVEIRA, Sergio Amadeu and SAVAZONI, Rodrigo Tarchiani, 2018. O conceito do comum: apontamentos introdutórios. Liinc em Revista [online]. 5 June 2018. Vol. 14, no. 1, p. 5–18. [Accessed 23 April 2020]. DOI 10.18617/liinc.v14i1.4150. Available from:

VESSURI, Hebe, GUÉDON, Jean-Claude and CETTO, Ana María, 2014. Excellence or quality? Impact of the current competition regime on science and scientific publishing in Latin America and its implications for development. Current Sociology [online]. 4 September 2014. Vol. 62, no. 5, p. 647–665. DOI 10.1177/0011392113512839. Available from:

Theses and dissertations

(Weitzel 2006)

WEITZEL, Simone da Rocha, 2006. Os repositórios de e-prints como nova forma de organização da produção científica: o caso da área das Ciências da Comunicação no Brasil [online]. Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação). São Paulo, SP: Universidade de São Paulo. [Accessed 6 March 2017]. Available from:


(Albornoz 2017; Eve 2020)

ALBORNOZ, Denisse Alejandra, 2017. Power and inequality in open science discourses. Medium [online]. 20 November 2017. [Accessed 23 November 2017]. Available from:

EVE, Martin Paul, 2020. Some tips on writing a data management plan for the humanities. Twitter: @martin_eve [online]. 2 November 2020. [Accessed 11 February 2020]. Available from:

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Annex or Appendix

If necessary, should be present as the last element of the manuscript, numbered alphabetically, and titled concisely and representatively, e.g., “Appendix A – [Title]”. Liinc em Revista recommends depositing supplemental materials in designated data, code, and other types of repositories, according to orientations presented in Data and Code Sharing Section.

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Formats and Templates for Submission

Every manuscript should be formatted according to Liinc em Revista's template.

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Text Editing

Authors are responsible for spelling, style, and grammar checking. After peer-review, in the case of referees recommending only style and grammar changes, the Editorial Board will be entitled to apply such changes, always respecting the author’s writing style. In any other cases, authors will be responsible for implementing the changes according to the recommendations of the Editorial Board.

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Ethics and Integrity in Scientific Practice

Authors are fully responsible for the content of their articles published by Liinc em Revista.

Authors must guarantee that their submitted work contains no matter that can be construed as libelous or as infringing in any way on the copyright of another party.

Authors must guarantee that their submitted work respects the privacy, dignity, and integrity of the subjects involved in the research, as well as research involving animals should be conducted with the ethical principles. When it is due, authors should present the necessary consents and approvals along with the submitted manuscript.

As for issues regarding authorship and research integrity, Liinc em Revista observes the guidelines defined on the topic of Ethics and Integrity on Scientific Practice by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development in Brazil (CNPq), through the determination Nº PO-085, published in 5 May 2011, as well as the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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