The monumental violence of the present: critical reflections on the political iconoclasm of the 21st century
Iconoclasm, Cultural heritage, Structural racism, Hegemonic narratives, Collective memoryAbstract
The recent surge in the toppling of monuments around the world has reignited debates on memory, identity, and the role of symbols in society. This reflection delves into the intersection between iconoclasm, cultural heritage, and representation, exploring their nuances and implications across different historical, social, and geographical contexts. The study draws on a wide range of literatures, from contemporary theorists like Silvio Almeida and his exploration of structural racism, to classic works by Walter Benjamin and his thoughts on art and politics. The focus is particularly sharp on Brazil, where incidents involving the Borba Gato monument and similar actions mirror a clash between established narratives and emerging demands for recognition and justice. The adopted methodology combines an interdisciplinary analysis of primary and secondary sources, as well as a consideration of contemporary manifestations of iconoclasm in social networks and media outlets. The findings reveal a complex tapestry of meanings and motivations behind these acts, ranging from rejections of colonial legacies to challenges against hegemonic narratives. In conclusion, the toppling of monuments is not merely an act of destruction, but also of recreation and redefinition of public space and collective memory
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